🐇 Someday Samdy

Entering Pregnancy's Third Trimester

We're about to enter our 28th week of pregnancy in a few days, with just 12 weeks to go! I've been feeling our little one's kicks and rolls more frequently lately, and they're getting stronger than before. It's incredible how quickly time has flown by - every movement I feel reassures me that our baby is doing well in my belly.

Cat kick

Starting from the 28th week, I'll be counting our little one's kicks to monitor the baby's pattern, which will be timely for the upcoming scheduled checkup. It's a bit nerve-wracking since checkups may now occur every two weeks, and I'm not sure when internal examinations will begin. I'm also uncertain about what labor and contractions might feel like, but I'm hoping to stay calm and relaxed when the time comes. I'm really hoping for our baby to be in the cephalic position because we're hoping for a normal delivery.

On the other hand, I'm quite glad that the pregnancy has been going well so far. I've been mindful and careful of my actions, especially regarding the food I eat. I'm so relieved that I'm not experiencing acid reflux-induced vomiting anymore, even though certain foods can still trigger it occasionally.

Cat Eat

We've also started preparing for the baby's arrival. I've purchased essentials like baby laundry detergent, diapers, wipes, and newborn clothes. I decided to get only three pieces of each clothing item since I'm not sure how big the baby will be at birth. We'll be acquiring more necessary items as the due date approaches.

Cat and Baby

Sometimes, when I look at the baby things in my cart, I experience a mix of emotions. I feel excited and nervous at the same time, unsure if I'll ever feel fully prepared. But I know we'll get through this together - we'll do our best to love and care for our little one.

#marriage #pregnancy #slice of life