🐇 Someday Samdy

Walking During Pregnancy

Before we found out about the pregnancy, we were already active with our lifestyle. We've been freediving on weekends and running from time to time. We've also been able to hike to two different spots. All that sort of just slowed down and maybe stopped for a while after finding out about being pregnant and then undergoing an ovarian cyst removal surgery later on.

Walking cats

Thankfully, I was able to get back to walking recently. We've been walking for around 2000 steps every day now, mostly after dinner. It's been a huge help for me, especially since I had vomiting episodes, and the cause of it was probably overeating or certain types of food like spicy and sweet triggered it. Walking after dinner helps with digestion. I haven't been vomiting afterwards.

Eating cat

I also noticed I easily get full with my pregnant belly, and maybe it's because my tummy state now has changed with the growing baby inside me. But it's alright; it has also taught me to be more mindful of the amount and type of food I eat.

Another thing I like about walking is that it helps with changing the baby's position and with labor. From the past ultrasounds, the baby has been in frank breech. Hopefully, by the time I'm close to labor, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for getting a cephalic position - where the baby's head comes out first.

Lastly, I enjoy walking with my hubby every day. It's like an intimate moment we both get to do in this pregnancy phase. We get to see a lot of cats and dogs in the neighborhood while discussing baby names. It's also our way of exercising since we've been mostly just staying inside the house, as we both work from home too.

Cat couple

These daily walks have become more than just exercise; they're a cherished ritual that keeps us healthy, connected, and excited for the journey ahead as we prepare to welcome our little one into the world.

#fitness #marriage #pregnancy #slice of life