🐇 Someday Samdy

Life Update 002

Navigating a first-time pregnancy bears a lot of physical, emotional and mental capabilities. It's now our 24th week and there's just so much new things to learn about. Things like:

This is a pregnancy gif

Finding that best sleeping position,
Learning the food you used to love makes you vomit now,
Feeling the first baby kicks inside the belly,
Recovering from any sickness in the most natural way possible,
Eating healthier options for the growing baby,
Dealing with anxiety but at the same keeping a smile,
Constantly checking your vaginal discharge,
Constantly researching about any pain, symptoms, or food that is safe to eat,

And the list goes on.

It's different for everyone. Sometimes, I could relate to mommies on social media when they share their pregnancy content on either Instagram or Tiktok.

I'm grateful we've come this far. It's been tough, no doubt about it, but we're looking forward to seeing the baby soon 🐣✨

#marriage #pregnancy #slice of life